Sorry but I have to agree with in the woods on this one, this is the cabl bar not the electritians bar, or the fire alarm bar. Although many of us do lots of different jobs to make ends meet our common thread is that we first started in this business with catv. The point is why can you get a liscence/certification in other trades to better yourself, but not in ours.
I have taken NCTI courses but I found that you can learn far more in the field. I have been lucky enough to work with some very good people who have taught me alot. I have tried to do the same with others who are learning.
I worked as an employee with TCI (totally confufed individuals) & was offered a .25 cent an hour raise if I passed an NCTI course.
The deal was they would take the cost of the course out of my check & reimburse me the amount & give me the raise after I passed the course.
I passed the 1st course, signed up for the 2nd & still did not receive my raise or reimbursement.
I passed the 2nd course & did not sign up for the 3rd course but they started deducting the 3rd from my check anyway.
I paitently tried to get the situation resolved but couldnt get an answer .
I never got the raise but they did give me the money back that I paid for the courses after I quit over this crap.
I know that the situation had nothing to do with NCTI, It was a TCI payroll problem but the point is I was trying to improve myself & got Screwed. This whole deal taught me alot about trying to get $ that I was owed & prepared me for subcontracting. This was 12 years ago & Ive been subbing since then.
Re: We're the bastard children of Telco and Electr
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