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Night Cutovers

As the demand for night cuts rises, I'm wondering if anyone out there has had any luck charging anything extra. (HA!)(roll)

The amount of prep work, lost time the day before, & day after, makes the jobs we've been involved with to the point of, "Hey, why don't we just pay you, to do these for you?"(crazy)

Take the good with the bad? Throw me a friggin bone here!

The other side of this that cracks me up, is in the communications industry, there is a pathetic absense of communication. Most of the areas that these cuts are happening, NONE OF THESE PEOPLE ARE HOME DURING THE DAY! They can't actually afford these homes, so Mom, Dad are working, & the kids are in school. Send them an e-mail, or letter, saying; In order to make necessary upgrades, there will be a temporary interruption in your service on such a day. (These areas do not have Telephony yet.) 1) They think upgrade means it will make their service better, 2) I would rather be forwarned rather than have a surprise when I come home drunk from the bar!(shocked)

When I try to talk with some of the people we work with, they do the ole, If we don't, someone else will. (bash)

We all need to start sticking together on these issues if any of us want to ever see an improvement in prices.(usa)
This is posting #140088. Tiny Link:
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Night Cutovers lostlineman2 1/1/2005 9:18:00 PM
Re: Night Cutovers fjjk1970 1/1/2005 8:05:00 PM