western networks David Eian I hope you saved $ 60.000 or so today becouse as we both know you are going to be paying me pretty damn soon do to your broken agreement. Now being its the holidays I am not able to get this through till the 1st. of the year. I have been reassured that you havent a chance. David you injoy your christmas. Do me a favor while you watch your kids. thank of the kids who wont be geting anything on christmas , your whats wrong with the world today. I am also going to Ft.Myers to meet with a reporter and tell what kind of company you run. Comcast will be proud. David you will look back and thank why didnt I just give them what they lost? Now I have to pay them for their time ,the travel and perdium I promissed in the agreement and peneltys. David you need to take responsibillity for your actions. David its going to cost you more money. David I doubt you,ll be getting any work or anyone to work for you.
David Im not going away.