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I had a dream last night , I guess it was from watching the news where a homeless man pulled two people ot of a car after it crashed into a canal. This man had no reason too risk his life to save the lives of others , what did he gain , he was still homless. I think their is a deep seated growing problem here in America and it seems to me the goverment just ignores it. I see homless people here in south florida everyday. They sleep where ever they can find shelter. They have guant dirty faces, often begging for change to get something to eat. You see them often sitting in places like Mc Donalds and Wendeys just happy to be inside a building. Yet no one wants anything to do with them as they stink and probably have lice and who knows what else. I think of how many poor immigrants are allowed into this country at an alarming rate. I was in the third grade when schools were intergrated , before that we as children didn't even know what black people were , other than seeing them working on farms. I think of black and white tv , as thats all we had when I was a child. I think of this old man who comes into our tanning salon , he fills the air refeshers , the last time he was in he and I spoke of the war in Iraq , he said he fought in the Korean War , that was before, I was born, He said we did'nt belong in Iraq , he said why did the goverment want all these men killed or mamed , with what purpose? As he spoke I could see no purpose. Wisdom in the aged. I thought of the Vets from Viet Namn that had become homless because our Goverment had failed to take care of its own. I thought of my friend that had gone to Saudi Arabia years back to work on the oil rigs , when he returned , he says too me Whitfield I hate the USA , I'm like what the h.e.l.l are you talking about , he stated over there they have cures for everything , cancer , aids etc. ect. ect.......... Then I thought of working the Island of Bremuda , and the extremely wealthy mans house on the South Shore , I was repairing his cable , and we struck a conversation , I asked him where his wealth came from , he stated he was one of the founders of one of the major pharamaciducle companys in the USA , so I had to ask him was what my friend had told me about Saudi Arabia , true his answer was yes its true , they do have cures for everything except altzhymers , I've never felt the same since that day. Population control. I thought of such people as retired Presidents , when other than Ronald Regan (AN ACTOR) that has died of anything but old age. I think of all the new laws that have been written scince I was a boy, for what purpose? Its all about the numbers , fuel for the fire of goverment. I think its time for America to close its borders and stop letting in every Tom , Dick , and Harry!!! Start taking care of its own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!911!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where Will it END ??????????????????????????????????????? The Next GREAT DEPRESSION , when it happens just remember "WHITFIELD" told you so!!
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Homeless johned 12/12/2004 3:53:00 PM
Re: Homeless cable33 12/12/2004 12:04:00 PM