After reading the Statement about Made in The USA this moring,my gears have been turning, this has nothing to do with the other, when I was young I was a speed freak,until I got 4 tickets in one year and the DMV contacted me and had a meeting with me. They asked me. Mr. Whitfield do you like driving in the state of North Carolina? My answer yes of course, Their reply, one more speeding ticket and you will be walking. I was 17yrs old,they darn well reached me. I slowed her down, I've had a perfect driving record for years. I was just wondering how many out there that read this have been faster than me. I went 147mph on a motorcycle ,172 in a dragster. I feel like I'm getting old, I don't run a scoot over 80 anymore or an automible over 100, now it scares me to go that fast. When I was young I was WFO, I loved seeing telephone poles look like a pickett fence, I use to like the addrenlin rush. Not anymore,at 47 I try to think about everything I do before I do it , to examine will I get hurt. Just thought I'd share this. I've heard some good stories about fast cars and fast bikes in my life, somebody tell some.

I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD