Let me begin this story, by setting the scene. It takes place in early spring, the year 2002. I had just got home from working a ninety day stent on the Island of Bremuda. The Island is a Beautiful place, but you get tired of being on the Rock. Every man if he loves his wife should take her there. Stay in the South Hampton Princess on the South Shore. Lay out at a small piece of beach called Horse Shoe Bay,God Its Beautiful there, The sand on the Beach is Pink, Don't ask me how but it is. Anyway It was my last day there , I went in to the office at Cablevision to say my good byes as I have many friends there. One of the Dreads (Bremudian Dread Locker) had brought this 110 cc two stroke motorcycle that he had just finished building up to cablevision. In Bremuda unless its already Granfathered 125cc is the largest bike you can own. They the Bremudians, will take these small motorcycles and hop them up to almost 300cc ,little crotch rockets.Back to the story, Everyone,the Bremudians were in the parking lot, everybody was taking turns on on of the Dreads crotch Rockett, It came my turn as they were all my friends.Bremuda is full of hills and limestone concrete walls and buildings. Any way I jump on this little bike that to me was a joke as I've had motorcycles since I was 10 yrs.old. I had in my mind I'm gonna run the shi.t out of this thing and show off. I take off down hill slammin gears(I wish I hadn't) as I'm coming up on the second curve and a wall ,I realize I'm going way too fast, so I depress the rear brake with my toe, nothing, I then stomp it with my heel, still nothing, the wall is coming up quick,I'm milliseconds from death. I twist the handlebars and lock down the front brake, the scoot and me hit the pavement, I land on my left shoulder and my head, how I lived I still don't know. I was running about 30 miles per hour. I got up not realizing how bad I was hurt, looked at the bike and said to myself,oh my God I've fu..cked this bike up. I picked it up ,kick started it, and rode it back up the hill to Cablevision, I can still see the look on my Bremudian brothers faces. Mann your fuc..ked up they said, look at your shoulder. Thats when I realized I was really hurt. My left shoulder was hangin way down as I had detached my collar bone from my shoulder bone. I was bleeding everywhere from road rash. My Bremudian brothers helped me into a company van and rushed me to the hospital. let me tell you the hospital in Bremuda is the last place you want to have to go. It looks inside like a hospital here in the States would have in the fiftys,just unbelieveable, they place me on a gurney and wheel me into a back room , put compresses on my worst bleeding, and tell me I gotta be x-rayed. They walk out of the room 30 minutes passed, by this time I'm getting pissed because I'm in pain bleeding, so I start to hollar for someone to come into my room, nothing, by now I'm reaching ballistic, I start whistling, I can whistle so loud I can nearly break glass, that brought them in. I then start to threaten them as if I could beat my way out of a wet paper bag at that point. I finally get finished at the hospital and my roommates carried me home. They had to pack my things for me as I couldn't. I'm flying back to the states in the morning, no body thought I would leave the next day,but I did , I took so many pain killers I could hardly walk, I was gettin off the rock. I flew in to Raleigh ,Durham airport, my family picked me up . It was a long three hour ride to home, it was painful but I was glad to be there.Weeks past and I gradually got better. I started surf fishing with my right hand as I really couldn't use my left. I,ve liked to write stories for years,and thus I am known from them. I was writing on this other site as I was attacked in wet cement and I lost it threating a computer hiding faggot, to the point that Richard closed Wet Cement for ever. My apologys to everyone. This was during the time when I had written "One Mans Dream" I had some 2600 people in my e-mail some companys with over 100 employees wanting to be a part of the Dream. Terry Vahn Clark and Jim fling stopped by my house one day, they were my friends ,so I thought anyway. I showed them some of my emails, They were in awe of what I had going on. Soon after is when I started being attacked in Wet Cement, thats when I lost it. I was already a wounded bear, broken collar bone and my mother who was my best friend had just died. It was a time in my life that I don't even like to look back on. Any how. Let me give you a little back history on me ,you will have to read my book to get the full story. When I was young 19-21 I was a professional bouncer in Ft Lauderdale, Ileft that to work for the Greek Mob.Needless to say I wasn't a nice guy. I am a big man 6'3' 260lbs of me . I once broke my roomates arm in an arm wrestling match,My brother was there and a man from Mill Creek (Carl Balance) I will never forget that day. Bobby Kennedy my roommate had beetin me the night before when I was Stoned, I told him we will see in the morning when I'm straight. When we sat down the next morning I was thinking of one of my best friends Donald Guthrie, who was shot and killed in 1977,Donald was the captin of my high school football team,mean as a snake and tough as nails, I only ever beet him arm wrestling once,any way back to the story. I sat down with Bobby and locked wrist and joined hands, I was thinking of Donald gettin shot, I don't know if that caused my addrenilin to flow or what. I threw all I had in it , The next thing I know pop, Bobbys arm broke into as I slammed his fist into the table. His arm bone was twisted into between his elbo and his shoulder, he jumped up from the table, the bottom part of his arm spun around all crooked he grabbed it with his other hand and straightened it back, we rushed him to the hospital. It took him two years to recover from such a badly broken bone. (Sorry Bobby I never ment to break your arm) I know by now anybody reading this story is wondering whats his point,keep reading you will soon know. To the bag of bait; It was a beautiful day on Radio Island ,I was on the beach surf fishing, in the State Park, people all up and down the beach familys, kids playing. Here I am fishing with one arm as the other at that point was pretty much useless. I look down the beach toward the entrance to See Terry Vauhn Clark (President and owner of Clark Cable Service) accompanied by Skipper Carelton and Barry Winberry, stomping down the beach toward me with a mad look on their faces,they stomp past many people to get to me. Winberry and Skip get in my face nose to nose and there screaming why did you write Danny Clark is a crackhead, I had no idea what the he..ll they were talking about so I'm screaming back fuc..k you. Winberry screaming at me says look at the gray hair on your chest your washed up old man. I'm hollaring back jump bit..ch make your move. Well being the spinless snake that carrot top is I wasn't worried about him and allowed him out of my periferal vision , he picked up my bag of menhyden bait and slatted it against the back of my head and my neck as I spun around he jumped out the way . The conflict was over was over. Clark knew he had to get out of my way quick as he knows I'm a karate fighter also, and I'm dam..n good with my feet. They stomp on off down the beach. I gathered my things and went to the sherrifs office and brought officer Mike Panzarellia, a friend of mine, back down to the beach to interview witnesses. I have Terry Charged with assualt. Weeks past the court day finally came, I dropped the charges, for two reasons, one Terry and I were friends for years,and the second was because Sherrif Frank Galizia would not investigate the internet site that caused our conflict to begin with.Almost three years later I finally know who was trying to take me out of this industry. Now its my turn, thus THE CLARK CRONICLES will be written. See Ya "WHITFIELD"

I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD