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Quality work for quality prices

I currently perform satellite installation work in the Cenral Fl. area. I continue to answer ads on the bar and local classifieds trying to stay busy with work in my areas, but continue to run into these people that are subing work for these crappy prices. I would think that Direct and Dish would take notice of this and try and do something about it because it directly affects the quality of these installations being done. I understand you have better things to do, but I strongly believe that this kind of work ethic is one of the cable industries down falls and is why they lose some if not alot of there customer base. Neither satellite companies have a big enough base yet to ignore this type of behavior, because in the long run it's going to do nothing but send your customer base running back to the cable companies. When you start using big companies to do your installs all they really care about is there profit margins and not so much about your customer's. I left the cable industy because of it and if your not careful your going to run into the same problem and have no quality installers performing work for you. I'm not saying to keep big companies out of it, I'm just saying to atleast look at what they are doing and not turn a blind eye to it. It's worth the money to have quality installers. It's called INTEGRITY! Just one man's opinion
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There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Quality work for quality prices Clay 8/4/2004 1:48:00 PM
Re: Quality work for quality prices John Malone 8/3/2004 8:30:00 AM