I am at the other end of the spectrum regarding MASTECH. I worked briefly for a mom & pop startup that thought they could subcontract MASTECH work with a profit. Some days I fill out portions of the paperwork to sue mom & pop for the $1000.00 + / - they owe me.
Other days I remember my experiences with the MASTECH "acclamation" visit.
The things I remember-"The boxes these IRDs come in be numbered . You throw them near here and we will find you and backcharge you for not getting rid of your trash right. Just because the dumpster has a black plastic on it for non payment to the trash company doesn't mean you can throw boxes in the road."
We backcharge $150.00 for any no show-----any questions? And my question was: "About double bookoing so an appointment has been assigned to a second tech or an excassive number of AM or PM jobs assigned to a single tech?......." Happens but we work things out."
Guess What? One morning I was handed six service calls at 10:15AM
All were AM calls-I was backcharged for one call at which I actually arrived . Two others I completed, one was done by a previous tech, and two were returned to mom & pop.------ They backcharged me. Regardles of what happens you may get paid; or not.
During my brief stay in this deal I would always be on hold enough that mom & pop told me not to use their phone to communicate with MASTECH.
I recently heard DTV pulled their contract. I smiled. Life is too short to consider MASTECH. I am sure they started out with good intentions but they have ( had) more pressure than a lowest bidder can stand.
I moved on and don't have good things to say. Individually the folks at MASTECH are ok former cabledogs and burgerflippers but not bad. As a group they will cost you money and time-------move on.
Re: Any info on Mastec ?
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