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Re: Data Transfer Over Power Lines---?--->

I am with ya there, The thing I fine interesting is that COOPS are supposed to save you money through CO ownership and reduced cost's and they are not out to make a (profit). But why do they charge as much if not more then power operators nation wide. And where dose the money go?

Enough on that rant. I am curious as to what type of system they are building. In the DC area about 7 years ago we were installing a system for the power CO. It was a fiber plant but the fiber was inside the neutral wire. This made it hard to work with but very well protected.

They mainly leased fibers, but the did do some small systems where they would drop a node or two in small towns and provide them with Internet and cable services.

I am not sure if they are even still running today. I have also seen systems where the power company over lashes the fiber and coax to there neutral eliminating the need for strand and so on.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Data Transfer Over Power Lines---?---> by ChrisM
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Re: Data Transfer Over Power Lines---?---> fjjk1970 4/8/2004 9:43:00 AM