You certainly would bring up the "Three phase" vs. the "Delta phase" now wouldn't ya......? Quite honestly, I'm a fish out of water here in these circles. The point about terminating the AC at the NIU and then distributing it via internal house wiring or even WiFi vs. an internal (And modified) MMDS (Multipoint Media Distribution System) solution is still open to the best of my knowledge. Port isolation is just one of many technical challenges that the power company's "Cable Labs types" still have to contend with.
I think that the overall awareness of this topic should at the very least be intriguing to those on this list who may opt to diversify their business. Remember the ole' adage: Good business is where you find it. This just may be one of the near term solutions. What about Verizon's commitment to pump another $750 Billion into Broadband.........again? This is a very high probability because they as well as the other RBOC's are bleeding cash revenues so bad that if they don't ADAPT to CHANGE they'll be out of business before the end of the decade! All of the wireless companies out there competing for your almighty dollar has awakened the massive giants of lore and they are darn right scared. On one side they've got Cable Operators closing in and taking their Wireline market share away (In some markets across the country reports have it between 22-27% take rate); On another front they've got CLEC (Competitive Local Exchange Companies) chipping away from their P to P (Point to Point) and other high bandwidth usage hogs; Their DSL product is only really acceptable if their end users are within 1,500’ of their POP; Over 70% of their POTS (Plain old telephone service) lines and IXC (Interstate Exchange Carrier) business have dwindled down because of Cellular/Digital competition.
Something's brewing big time and I would expect a full frontal assault by the big RBOCs within the next eight to18 months (Or even sooner). Meanwhile, the power companies will have figured out their technical challenges and push their products out to the market too. By then the cable operators will be working on their next wave of technical proficiencies to defend their market share and revenue streams with a better Mouse Trap. It goes on and on and on just like the freakn' bunny. The bottom line here is that it's going to be the survival of the absolute fittest!
Now, what was the question?
Will work for cigars, Tums, and Thunderbird...........