1) I could give a **** less who knows my business.
2). I'mnot asking for forgivness from you or any of the "Picture Takers" I fired.
3). It wasn't the "firing" of the companies that I was sorry for, it was the way I acted "Only" that I was aplogising for.
4). There were definate things I did wrong in Little Rock! BUT, I only found a couple people out of over TEN companies that had even a clue how to sweep.
5). Yes, I "Chose" to leave my congregation because of reasons I chose not to discuss.
6). Yes I deserved for my wife to leave me.
7) America deserves whatever it gets due to President Bushes FOOLISH act on Iraq!
8) I realy do not give a rats ass what any of you say about me on here.
9) IF your telling me your company went belly up because of "little ole me"? The your MORE than a LIAR! Your a Damn FOOL LIAR!
10) TEN? Hell I think I said enough for now.
Re: Onion Head???
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