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Re: Onion Head???

Scarecrow? Just for your information? I have been disfellowshipped from my congregation and my wife has left me!
There was a point when I definately WAS not being a "hypicrite".
And I know very well what a hypicrite is!
I chose not to be one! That is why I advanced my wife and the elders of my congregation and told them that I was "Wrong"!
That is why I chose to be disfellowshipped! Because I did not want to be a "Hypicrite"!
Can "YOU" say that you have been "Publicly Honest" about your sins? Can you say that you would be willing to give up "everything" to be "Honest"?
NO, I do not think so!
As for coming back to America? Like I said, I have NO INTENSIONS of coming back to the "Abussive", "Discusting", "Hypicritical" country that it is!
As for me getting my "Head Screw on straight" or whatever you deem your "Opinion" about me is?
I really do not care. It is not something that will keep me awake at nights nor make me have second thoughts.
I answer to ONE almighty only!
Yes, I have done MANY a wrong in my life! This is so true!
But, at least I can honestly say in public that I have tried and am trying to straighten my life out.
With all that is going on aorund all of us in this world? You shallow minded people that speak this way to me and others are even worse than the ones like us that are "screwed up"!
You have no compassion for your fellow man! You deem "yourselves righteious in much"! When your truely righteous in very little OR even most likely in "Nothing"!
So, I say these word to you from the scriptures since you chose to "Judge me"!
Luke 6:37 "Moreover, stop judging, and you by no means be judged, and stop condeming, and you will by no means be condemed. keep on releasing, and you will be released.
38 Practice giving, and people will give to you. They will pour out into your laps a fine measure, press down, shaken together and overflowing. For with a measure that you are measuing out, they will measure out to you in return"!

Beleieve me those of you who are reading this!
I know ALL TO WELL my mistakes in life!
I have spent the last couple years losing everything that was dear to me!
I am down to just about nothing and soon to be NOTHING!
Those of you that say I deserve it? Sure, you are probably right!
But until YOU get the scense of the above scriptures? You also are doing wrong!
What do you chose to do???????

Please, continue to JUDGE ME, SCORN ME, HATE ME.

As, I said before, it is not YOU I have to answer to!

I AM being punished for my actions and my ways!

I am ashamed of things I have done!

Are you?
This is posting #107291. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Onion Head??? by scarecrow
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Onion Head??? Mystique 5/27/2003 2:35:00 PM
Re: Onion Head??? scarecrow 5/24/2003 5:29:00 PM