Tom Gilbert, Dan Watkins, Scott Adams are all individuals to run like hell from. Only thing you will recieve from them is a good story. This company has zero in-house people so once you sign their contract you are their in-house people. Of course, once you committ to a prime in Denver, If you leave you must wait 60 days before any other prime in the area can hire you. These "gentlemen" will tell you anything, truthful or not to get you here and then just not pay you. Doesn't even matter if it's in the contract or not. What recourse do you have except file a mechanics lien against Comcast and never work in cable again?? At this point I am ready to risk it.
Once again avoid Voice, Video, Data, Inc. represented by TOM GILBERT DAN WATKINS SCOTT ADAMS or you will regret the outcome.
Be safe and stay on them sticks.
Rodney P. Mayeaux
RPM Communications, Inc.