We have been rebuilding systems for almost 25 years. Started with a couple crummy old flat bed pickups. We built our company on quality and have always maintained that quality. As a perfectionist, I could never settle for anything else. We have fought for higher prices through the years, because they were too low to begin with!! The cost of operating a contracting bussiness has been and continues to rise! It is true that some hack outfits have brought shame on us proud lineman. Fly by night outfits that are or were in it just for the quick buck, and would take off on you first chance they had to find greener grass. I have to take issue with the statement that "MSO's are bringing the prices back inline". It seems to me that the MSO's are the greedy ones now. They are making it harder to maintain a quality build by dropping the prices. A man, or woman, shouldn't have to about kill themselves by trying to work faster and faster just to barely squeek out a living.