you must feed the family. you know what sucks is that attitude is exactly why the prices are so low. MSO.s and primes dont worry about the electric bill. payments etc. they just stop work and we all fall like dead flys after a raid spray. you know it is funny that there are so few mso.s and so many of us. seems we could kick there asses around. i am not for any union. however just imagine if all of us that share this bar would stand up and all of us just take a few weeks off at the same time. do to them what they do to us. couldnt happen im sure but would be cool.
when i win the power ball ill show these mofos. ill pay everybodys bills for a month and we can all have a vacation and let them suits try to hang, splice, and sweep there own chit.
hehe or let there inhouse techs do it all. anyway just do what you got to do dude. just remember one thing, if your going to do it do it right. dont cut quality for low pay. its your reputation. but im sure you know all that. just my 2 cents. be cool all and