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Re: ATC - One More...

Wow! You know those guys, that is great. I used to work with them back in the early 1980's in Rochester, NY on the initial ATC build.

I heard something about Terry Hicks going back to the Rochester area. I do have to admit, Terry was one of the BEST management I ever had the pleasure of workking for in my career.

Well, what happened to McCormick is a mystery then. He was a wildman in Rochester, in Denver... he probebly really went out-of-control.

Jim Smirles, he might have went back to Canada, I believe he was orginally from Toronto. Lost touch when he went to Denver.

Well, we ALL ahd a great time back in the early 80's. I still keep in touch with Bob Dugan and Tom Toomey from that era in Rochester. They are also wondering what happened to the group...ESPICALLY McCORMICK!!!!

As you can tell by the names, we all had excellent "St. Patrick Day" stories from those times! I have a million stories from those days with them guy's!

Greg Tobin
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Re: ATC - One More... cgfy 3/3/2003 8:36:00 AM