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Old "Orginal ATC" Folks from Rochester, NY

Would like to find out what happened to some of the "Old Crew". Any information would be helpful.

Jim Smilrles (last heard was at Mile Hi in Denver-1983ish)
Jim McCormick (M.I.A. since 1983)
Mike Jones; aka Jonesy (last known in Mass.)
Terry Hicks (last seen in Denver mid-1980's)
Wendel Giggy (possibly in Mass/CT)
Jeff Tukesbury (M.I.A. since 1984?!?!?)
Bill Snyder (M.I.A. since '95) (Not the B. Snyder from Baton Rouge)
John Mullard (possibly still in Rochester)
Stan Olkowski (M.I.A. since 1983)
Bob Dugan (located)
Tom Toomey (located)

Thanks in advanced!

Greg Tobin
This is posting #99284. Tiny Link:
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Old catvbites 2/28/2003 8:48:00 AM
Re: Old OLD TIMER 2/27/2003 10:21:00 PM
ATC - One More... Buffalo Chips 2/26/2003 10:07:00 PM