Ya, man I probably over reacted a lil.

A bit tense at times. I spent some time in S. Carolina, Bigham was okay, but when things slowed down I got the ax. I was the only one pushing a crew who wasn't part of the bigham-hawkins blood line. Went to work doing bull**** for A.M. Broadscam in Columbia untill they dropped my motel. $400.00 for a seven day week, and fippin the room bill jus didn't cut it. So here I am logging on at 11 am faxing resumes and not hearin ****.

I'm still waiting on the not so big workers comp settlement. Old fatboy wouldnt sign off on it untill I gave him a call.

Had to leave the truck at the tranny shop in S. Car. for the second rebuild. Lasted a year this time. Gotta raise another 1800 and go back down for it. But all in all dude, I'll be alright.

I feel the better times startin to break. Don't know why, jus gotta feelin. Anyhow hearin from old freinds is a pretty good sign.Lookin forward to that cigar. C-ya