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the real dusty rhinehart to those concerned

this is the real dusty rhinehart that works for volt telecom or used to i herd that someone hacked my screen name and wrote some dirogotary statement about at&t and sfenco.
However it was not me i have used this same screen name and pass word for a long time and many have acces to it i do opoligise for the mistake i am going to chang my handle and pasword to keep this type of thing happening in the future.
However i was terminated for the thing that someone else wrote and would very much like to know who wrot that statement as u all know its very easy to go to hackers dot com and get a password cracker for just this type of thing but being wrongfully terminated is a crime and i wont stand for it.
If anyone has any information please e-mail me at (-REDACTED-) i have changed all my pass words and i hope this is suficant.
If i dont have my job back in 3 working days i am going to persue a lawsuit for wrongfull termination and will win i also will start one against at&t for causing me to be terminated.
To all those concernd you are inocent intill proven guilty in a cort of law this i know well.
I sincearly hope it does not come to this i realy like working for volt and have built at&t's plant for 11 years and have never been terminated from a job this will go a long way in cort.
Thankyou all for reading and i hope you have a boomer year.

Dusty L. Rhinehart(snipper)
This is posting #96578. Tiny Link:
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: the real dusty rhinehart to those concerned CABLE PHILOSOPHER 2/3/2003 11:22:00 AM