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Re: Suing another sub or prime

File in Small Claims Court, the limit I believe is $3,000.00. To file in Small Claims Court doesn't cost a lot and I believe they give you the forms to fill in to file a suit and if you get a judgment (or it works out in your favor) then the Court I believe allots a certain period of time to pay you. If he doesn't pay you, then I'm not sure if you have to pursue garnishments to get the money, but if that's an option, then you can garnish the company he's working for to get the money. You may have to file at the Small Claims Court where his home company is located and the distance from your home may not be worth it.
You also have to consider the proof you have, i.e. the documentation you have, contract, etc. Call the Small Claims Court to find out more.
> Does anyone have any advice of what I can do? I was told by a sub-contractor that a job would be starting 1-2-03, that it was going to be a big paying job. I would be making a 1000 a day. I travel to be there, pay for hotel, gas, food. Im ready to start then they tell me not till wednesday (1-8-03). I wait till wednesday, then they say not till Monday (1-13-03). I drive 13 hours back home to be with my 8 month preganat wife, drive back up there and now they say it wont start till 2-5-03.
> Can I do anything about lost wages, gas, food, hotel (2 nights).... I could of been looking for other jobs. They didnt offer to pay for anything.
> Any advice or similar occurances please respond. Thanks(cussing)(nono)(splat)
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