> Thanks for the advise. Yes I have worked for this guy befor. The first job was 18 hours away, he said the spans were at least 150 and up for mdu's and 200 and up for sdu. MDU price was .30 cents and SDU was .20 cents. The spans for the MDU's were more like 40 to 120 ft. The SDU's werent to bad...but I mainly did MDU's.
> I thought I was working for the prime, but later found out he works for another guy who works for the prime. Both guys are taking a little bit and by the time I get paid, I get crap. He then told me about this other job and told me how much I would be making. It didn't sound good (10 cents a footand 2 cents for activation)to me but he sounds convincing.
> I didnt know if I could sue him and his company or the prime that he represents. I had a contract for a year and that was broken in just 3 months and I just signed a contract with him on the 1-6-03. The last contract didnt go in detail about specs and working for the prime, it was his own contract for his company that I was subbing from him.
> I wasn't the only guy screwed on this job they have 6 stran crews just sitting around. Also is 3 cents for running stran bad? Hes getting 13 and taking 3 cents, paying us 10, and then we have to divide that by 3 guys. The footages are great and he said we should be able to burn-up 2 reals aday. Thats over 10000 feet aday, 300+ aday, 6 days a week. Thats if hes telling the truth.
> Well thats a little more in sight of the crap I'm dealing with.Thanks for your help, I think I'm going to talk to an attorney.
> > If you have a contract with them and a promise of work with a stated start date in righting you may be able to file a claim in small claims court with a 50/50 shot of winning then there is the collecting of the money that will require another suit. If the money is less that 2000.00 or you cant file your self it is probably not worth going after. If you were an employee and not a sub you would have other forms of action available to you. The best advice I can give to you is any time you are going to sub from some one get business references bank references and personal references from the just as if you were extending credit to them because actually that is what you are doing. Take the time to check the references out and use forums like this one to see what there reputation is. I hope this helps.
> >
> > > Does anyone have any advice of what I can do? I was told by a sub-contractor that a job would be starting 1-2-03, that it was going to be a big paying job. I would be making a 1000 a day. I travel to be there, pay for hotel, gas, food. Im ready to start then they tell me not till wednesday (1-8-03). I wait till wednesday, then they say not till Monday (1-13-03). I drive 13 hours back home to be with my 8 month preganat wife, drive back up there and now they say it wont start till 2-5-03.
> > > Can I do anything about lost wages, gas, food, hotel (2 nights).... I could of been looking for other jobs. They didnt offer to pay for anything.
> > > Any advice or similar occurances please respond. Thanks