> Lets look at the hole picture here.In your own words you said that Jerrin owes you for 6 months so WHO IS THE DUMB ASS

> > Sorry Gordon, Your Right YOU WIN THE PRIZE for whining too much. After a recount (including your most recent post) I have decided to strip PA CABLE GUY of his title and present it to you, Gordon of NOVA Communications!!! After compiling the data I figured that you should get the award since your still bitchin over $300 for work (that you didn't even do) 6 MOS ago. Give it a brake Gordo some of us really did get screwed, and others well they screwed themselves (See you and PA CABLE GUY both got fired). If you have anything else to say you can tell it to the Lawyer that calls you about the invoices that I submitted to NOVA COMM and were never paid by NOVA COMM. I keep records too

> >
> > >
> > > Hey Brian you don't start any sh** with me , because I still have a contract with your name all over it where you singed with Nova Comm. and with a noncompete and you continue to work with Jerin Comm..So maybe I should take my paper work and trun it over for collection on you to for money earned under our contract with jerin Comm.. So if I were you smart ass I would watch what you have to say about me.The Attorney General,IRS,several LawyersAnd I have 3 Collection angency's working on Jeff Brooks your name could be next!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> > > > You are some piece of work PA CABLE GUY, you come to KC and ride (not work) with another technician for 5 days and your still bitchin? I thought Gordon and NOVA were whinning too much over less than $1,000 but you win that prize. Try working for someone for six months, giving the MSO the best work they have ever seen, then he runs of with your cash after you paid for hotel, food, gas, and everything else. What kind of investment did you have in the project? If I remember corectly someone else paid your hotel bill!!