Greetings Singlelash, and to all your family,
It is good to hear from you James, how are you doing, today? Get my E-mail add'y adn phone number from my profile here, if you are coming through, let me Know. I have plenty of room here if you need or want to lat-over a day or two. I am heading West this week, and I will be taking Interstate 80 all the way across, so if you are along the trail, let me know and I'll give you a call when I get close to you. I have some pictures of all you Bad-Ass Linesmen (You, Rawhide, Eightball, and some others) from long, long ago and far, far away!
Walk in Silence, Bro', and I expect the best for you , your family, and all you hold dear. Til' we speak, again, Jimmi-jet! take care.