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Re: 2003 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I would have to agree with you concerning prime responsibilities, but there is another issue that gets thrown into the mix that usually contributes to a lot of the mishandling on any given project at any given time, I too have been in this business for many years and have seen many good jobs go bad, and this issue is time. Let's take Adelphia for an example, they need the project done by May 15th, but they don't have the BOM, your crews are robbing from truck to truck in order to get the right hardware togeather in order to work that day, this goes the same for the splicing and so on, fiber seems to be a big problem also, say you are setting up a node order for a town and let's go north to south, you make the node order from this, everyone signs off this node order and then you go to work, your strand and cable crews start out and of course the splicers follow and then guess what, they order the fiber ass backwards and then they turn your node order up side down because of course the fiber came in wrong, now your into nodes that haven't even been stranded yet but they want the fiber up yesterday, even though they can not get you the materials on time, and when they do come in it's all ass back wards (the cable comes in before your hard ware) they want the project done on time, so this time thing really becomes an issue, even though you have 47 nodes that are complete they are now on the bottom of the pile and your sending crews out into plant that hasn't even been rode out yet, and if that wasn't bad enough, here come the redesigns and of course they are going to try to blame this on you so they don't have to pay you twice to get it right, and then you get this contracter that comes in, well he just got off a AT&T project and that's what he is using for specs even though you gave him the specifications package, (that's behind the seat) now they want this glass up and spliced, they've thrown togeather a temp patch panel and your under the gun, oh another thing I love, they get some of the sh**tiest cable on the market (QR) but they don't start the QC ride out for 6 months, now this cable has been beat up through a winter and they want to know where all the loops went and want you to go out there and fix it at your cost, now they are holding invoices on you, you've got 30 crews out there that expect a check every week but their construction rep isn't signing off any invoices until you clean up their mess at your cost, but you've still got to make the May 15th welcome to the life of a prime, it only takes a couple little things to go wrong, and as a prime you must not only understand this but have taken steps to ensure this doesn't happen on your project and to do this you must have the men with a good track record with the experiance to work under pressure on a daily basis, you must have the knowledge to train the MSO's construction supervisors, you must understand time and must be able to run their side as well as yours with out them even knowing it, time can be a bitch, but, as a prime, this all goes with the territory. As a prime you get a better price, but by god you earn it, if you walk in half assed you'd better have deep pockets and a chastity belt. I've seen too many projects go to hell because of piss poor prime management, and what amazes me is that these same people are allowed to move on to other projects, another prime problem. And I'm not picking on Adelphia, remember a prime is hired to build a town because they are the experts, that's it, period. Your job as a prime is to come in and take over, and make the customer look good, if this was an easy under taking they wouldn't need us but it's not. And once a job is screwed up by mis-management, you can't fix it, the money has already been spent and all fingers point to the prime, it's your balls on the block.(poke)

> 2003 ,Twenty Four years ago I started in this cable television industry.I have seen many things in my years. We all know that hindsight is always 20/20. We cannot change our past but we can learn from the mistakes. Greed and inexperienced workers have cost our industry greatly.So many times I have known men and women that let new found wealth go to their heads.It seems no matter who you are, money changes people. I have never known anyone that died that ever took a thin dime into life beyond the grave,and believe me I have known some wealthy people in my time.Everyone in our industry on the contractor side, wants to be the prime.There is money in being the prime,but there should be many considerations made before taking that leap.I have been a prime before.Its not all its cracked up to be.People just don't seem to realize what they are biting into.I wish the mother co.would take more time and consideration it accepting bids placed by contractors. Its not always the lowest bid that should be recogonised and sure as "HELL" should not be based on who can make the biggest payoffs under the table.In my book if you want to be a prime you should have deep pockets.If the mother co. doesn't pay your invoices after they have been qc'd and accepted,and your the "prime" you need the money to keep paying your people regardless of whether or not you have been paid. I also don't like to see all this subs subbing from subs. I see this situation to be one of the most costly mistakes in this industry. Yes it's less headaches for the prime but it is also what seems to be costing them in the long run,all it takes is bad work from one contractor or your inhouse to ruin things for your Co., on that project or possibly within this industry. If you hire people that can talk the talk but can't walk the walk,they will end up trying to fry innocent people to cover their own hide,I've seen this so many times. In my book if you make a mistake accept responsibility for it.To me CATV is a simple process,beginning to end.I will say this to all the management in this industry. If you are the Mother Co. Prime or Sub. if you at any time during a project, you at a management meeting and you feel anymosity toward someone, you have a problem. I know people in this industry that have the experience to ensue that your project flows properly from its inseption.If you work for the Mother Co. and your life has become a nightmare due to an upgrade,rebuild,newbuild or extension remember hindsight is always 20/20 ,CATV is not rocket science.It takes a joint effort by all concerened to watch the bottom line.A penny saved is a penny that can be invested in the future. I wish prosperity to all in this industry in this new year. I only ask one thing from those that read this.IT doesn't matter who you are or what you have, your no better than the next man ,if you think you are your living in the land of the lost.Judge not yet ye be judged.Do unto others,as you would have them do you. I,m not a preacher just a man that has had to learn many hard lessons.I can only think of those that were mentors in my life that have already passed on, and I wonder to myself if they could have seen the future would their lives have been lived differently,I know mine would have .I think of a friend of mine that died a couple months back.His name was Robbie Currier he was 52 yrs old.Robbie was not like the most of us.He had the mind of a tweleve year old.He was a memember of the church I belong too.He always hitch hiked around the small town where I,m from, he had a mission,he was always on the go.Here was a man who really had no worldly possesions or wealth, many times I picked him up and gave him a ride and I felt sorry for him because of his life,But when he died and I went to his funeral I realized this poor man with the mind of a tweleve year old was much richer than I was, he possesed something I didn't have. A "LOVE" for his fellow man.As I looked around the church I saw people from all walks of life,from the very rich to the very poor ,the church was packed, I have been to many a funeral in my life but I'm glad I went to Robbies, it was that day, my life changed and has become more fruitful for it. If you don't have peace and happyness in your heart then you are missing the most important thing in life.If you are like me you searched and searched for something that you will never find until you realize what you are missing is right there inside you and has been all along.Once you find it you will be forever changed.Peace be with you. "WHITFIELD"(usa)(sunny)
it's easyer to ask for forgiveness than permission
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Re: 2003 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deleted 1/4/2003 4:21:00 PM