Well i happen to know that there is a check sitting at the office waiting on you to call and give us an addy that it won't get sent back from. Also since both phone numbers we have for you do not work it is a bit hard to call you and see where it should be sent to, so take a couple of minutes on Thursday morning, pull your head out long enough to make a phone call to the office and give a valid addy to get your check. toll free 1-800-515-1872. After 9 a.m. central time.
> AMEN to that! I did owe back but even with the fittings that needed replaced and the ladder his guys took off with, I am still owed money and I will never see it. I have tried to call him on several occassions and he won't return my calls. No since in calling his office becasue if he tells them to not pay then he won't. Granted I should have done a better job but money is still owed and not being payed. You put too much faith in one person and you can bank on geting burned at some point. Tony, (or Jason) you have my number. It ain't over cuz I will get my money or my ladder back.
> >
> > So Sorry, Tony never loaned me any money nor did I ask him to. It's pretty funny he had plenty of time to talk to me when he wanted to work for him. In fact he was asking to to run other projects for him. ALl I am doing is asking him to pay his bills due.
> >
> > I never said he stole anything those are your words. Just tell Tony to call me. He has the number an if not here it is again 817-371-8593.
> >
> > Funny how i've called him many times a day and when he sees on his nextel who it is he doesn't answer. I was even told by the corp office that he had somewhat disappeared.
> >
> > I guess he doesn't have time to read and answer email either.
> >
> > Look I've known Tony along time and all I'm asking is too pay his bills or at least call me to settle this like men. A man is only as good as his word and so far Tony's word has not been there.
> >
> >
> > >
> > > DEAR SIR:
> > > Mr Gilbert is a busy man, He has a lot of people to deal
> > > with. If there is any money owed to you, Call Marion she will help you. If there is no money owed don't bother. He deals with alot of people, Im sure stealing your money is not going to help him. I would be willing to bet if you look back, He might have put up front money for you or loans along the way
> > > or your work was just no good.
Re: Tony Gilbert
Member #: 14233
Registered: 1996-2001
Dale Czarnecki
Dale Czarnecki
Gilbert Cable TV & Telephone Services Inc.
Where the cable runs is where I call home.
This is CABL.com posting #93153. Tiny Link: cabl.co/myoD
Posted in reply to: Re: Tony Gilbert by KoolDaddy01
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