By: Mark A. Pickrell ( (-REDACTED-) )
I think it is important someone say this now.
Because I feel if it isn't said "many of us" that enjoy this site may (most likely) loose priveleages because of a few unprofessional people wanting to vent anger & frustration at the bar.
This type of posting not only violates the "Rules & Etiquette" that you agreed to when signing on.
But it also jeopardizes the very "freedom" that we all have here at the bar.
I am mainly speaking of "constant" repetition of bashing posts.
Everyone knows what it's like to sit at the bar and have some poor, lonely, selfcentered person slamming everyone and speaking nothing but negativity!
Besides, if we're going to say something "negative" about a person in least have the nerve to post it with your "real name"!
But, fortunately we all know that knows who it is!
Please consider rereading "Rules and Etiquette"....
I personally would like to keep our freedom of posting here. (As long as it is kept professional)
Mark A. Pickrell
MNM Satellite Communications
Rules and Etiquette......
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