> I did a stretch in Dayton last year and agree with everything you say about yer boy Terry. All I know is if his lips are moving he must be lying or b.s.ing someone. But in all fairness to that idiot, he got his marching orders from above, i.e Johnny Johnson(beligerent blowhard) or Jim Murray(manic phycopath). In my view, it was those assholes who ordered up 30 cable crews for 80 reels of fiber or had 150 splicers running amok on 50-60 available nodes. It was no wonder they were out of work every other week. Terry was just the stooge making all the empty promises to every contractor in towm. The name of the game is cover-your-ass. Terry was just too inept to play along. Unfortunatly, all this comes 4000 miles too late. Dayton could have been a real money maker for a couple of legit primes like ACI or Orius. Instead TWCD's mismanagment turned Dayton into the national poster child of how NOT to run a rebuild. Believe me, nothing is going to change with Terry gone anymore than it did when they kicked the Johnny & Jimmy show to the curb last year. TWCD is a f'ing joke from top to bottom.