Hey Gary,that sounds to be about right.Sounds like scumb trying to knock a prime out of his slot.I'm sure Richard that owns this site would not put up with fraud.I feel certain if contacted, the Cabl.com administrator would do an ip search and then a trace, he can find who the computer belongs to.If people noticed when wet cement shut down, how much information changed under posting as to how it could be done as well as that this site would not protect someone slandering someone.You know how the old saying goes idle hands and idle minds are the devils workshop.Funny thing for me to say that.I've never seen the devil but I do believe in the powers of darkness and if the devil is the head scumb behind all the bad things that happen,if it were possible I would challange him to a cable dogs death match.f*** YOU SATIN!! I FEAR YOU NOT!! Gary if I can help in any way please let me know.MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours. "WHITFIELD"