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Possibly seeking work SW Ks to NW Okla

I am currently employed in the Wichita area, presently as a lineman. My forte is in Mgmt, as I have been in the Supervisory capacity for nearly 10 yrs., until recent "life's: issue's. I have 21 yrs. + within the industry, and this is my life and livelyhood. However, I am a single parent of a brilliant 9 yr old daughter. This realm of my personal resposability DOES NOT interfere with my desire to grow and excell continuously within the CATV industry. Unless of course, she happens to be ill, and then, well, I MUST be with her as locals laws within the schools and child care professions dictate.
I am exploring options at this time. I presently drive 1 hr to work. The work appears to be stagnating or, is not being distributed appropriately. My experience is very thorough, as well as my desire to have quality work put out. My resume is complete, and is ready for distribution. I have currently submitted to Charter, Cox and Classic. My intentions are to grow, continue towards my degree for Bus. Mgmt. either during the evening or @ home on-line etc.
I am highly Technically oriented, have managed a small system, been a head-end tech, tower climber ( up to 350') been in the ground 12', Chief Tech, QA Supr. / Splicing Supr. etc.....But I DO NOT KNOW IT ALL. I hope this does not come across in the oh, "he's a know it all" fashion, as I believe there is not one of us that do know "it all"....Things change quickly, don't they????
Please email me if you may have something of a challege and rewarding. The rewards of my employment DO run on a two way street. You Will NOT be disappointed! Sincerely, KW KIng Anthony, KS
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