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> You came to me and other techs and told us how you felt about those Companies that brought you all your guys that you have now. You also told us that you never intended on paying them anything. <

Yep, I heard this too...except you left out a very important part.

Steve said loud and clearly to many people that he had no intentions of paying the "headhunters" until the techs were paid, and the bills that the headhunters themselves had run up were paid off. Don't leave out those important details.

I'm very curious as to who you are. I have an idea me: (-REDACTED-) . (Confidentiality guaranteed)
This is posting #92082. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: TRAP INSTALLS - IMMEDIATE by TicToc
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Re: TRAP INSTALLS - IMMEDIATE US Broadband Service Group 12/18/2002 7:59:00 AM