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The problem is that this scum sucker will turn up somewhere, somehow. They always do. These are the parasites that survive. They feed off the healthy. I only hope that I could run into this sh**stain one day!!!!!! (flipoff)

> Is there a reason that this kind of person is still out there working in this cable field, One bad apple spoils a bunch.It's sounds to me someone's got to turn this guy in.Here in Oregon we don't have a need for the POLICE Dept.(2gun)(usa)
> > Bryant Groves is again being sought by police investigating tool theft from a job site. He'll keep doing s*it like this untill someone knockes him up side his thieving head.
This is posting #91832. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: WARNING BRYANT GROVES ,,ON THE LOOSE.. by cablenut2
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Re: WARNING BRYANT GROVES ,,ON THE LOOSE.. joesway 12/16/2002 5:14:00 PM