Dennis P Baker. (-REDACTED-)

> mappers needed nation wide, five to seven splicers needed soon, 2 or three splicers needed imediately, kentucky/ohio area, three or four cable crews needed starting in january, all work will evolve into long term, decent prices, not bad work, will be under a sub (prime won't hire any more subs) you'll get close to sub price,work two weeks,bill it, get paid two weeks later, i've been working with this company almost six years, i've never seen or heard of them not paying there people, with the industry the way it is right now everyone has doughts and fears of not being paid, but the new year is coming, are you going to be where you need to be to make next year a "come-back" year? get on board with a big company with alot coming up. reply on cabl bar, leave e-mail,thanks!