Sounds like you need to be Re-booted to reality. Large minds talk about ideas, medium minds talk about life, SMALL minds talk about people. We all know which catagory you are in. Just because you are a failure, you must find someone that's successful to blame it on. I know a person once that lied almost as much as you. He had to get someone else to call his dog, his own would not believe him. Real men in the cable industry talk face to face when they have a beef with someone. Any real cable man can read between the lines of your comments and see you don't have the balls to do that. Go shed your tears somewhere else, you little girl.
> >Sounds like you need to leave Fla or just get out of cable.
> > What ever you guys call yourself now YOULL STILL SUCK!!As long as you have Greg MAC,DAVE ALCESS,FAT ASS PUP,runnin the show like it has been ever since you fukwads were CONTINENTAL,You guys still will b sh**!You guys have more complaints about your service than any other comp ever!How do you guys keep gettin away w/ this!Are you guys takin the payoffs from AIRO CABLE and given it straight to the city!Or did GREG MAC give his truck airo bought him and give it to the city!It doesnt matter,you guys will always suck!YOUR supervisors are about the most ridiculous things i have ever seen!You guys keep up the good work!ATT BROADBAND,COMCOCKS,CONTINENTAL,MEDIAONE!!WHATEVER YOU GUYS GO BY NOW YOULL SUCK BAD!!I would nominate COMCOCKS JACKSONVILLE TO B THE WORST RAN CABLE COMP I HAVE EVER SEEN!CAN I GET A WITNESS!!!!!