> Cause I seem to be having a problem what has happen to splicers I mean real splicer the ones who do there job and do it right the first time, and if they have a problem can find and fix it before system has to.. Its seems that are industry has been overwhelmed with cutters the guys who can cut all day long and at 4:00 in the evening when they fire up guess what it doesn't work and even worse can't fix it nor can there supervisor or lead I just don't understand please help me understand; I have seen so called splicer come and go and you know I would say 1 out of 20 are worth a sh** the rest are crap I was taught as a child to take pride in whatever I do...... Is it the up bring of the age or is it cause the MSO don't give a sh** anymore cause I currently am working for AT&T Broadband in NO..California and I can't get rid of the skids and I oversee them....I am at a lost.. All I can do is gig and gig and gig so on and so on,,, You know another thing that pisses me off is when some one does there job and does it right we praise them as if they are doing something special... I sick of it I guess I am just at a loss however as long as I take pride in my work any contractor who does crappy work beware I will gig you on everthing untill it is done right or you are gone out of my rebuilds.. And if anybody has suggestion, advice, or just a comment please feel free to responsed I look forward to it and if you take pride in your work and your a splicer, or lineman and are looking for work feel free to contact me I got numbers and prices of the contractors on are project Thank you all for listen to me bitch and know I wrote a bunch of run on sentences and spelling is wrong I'm sorry (theres a reason I do cable for a living and don't write {cause I suck at it})