> My first reaction to this posting was the same as yours but as I read it again--HOLD THAT!!
> I don't think he's talking about me Old Timer-I'm retired. The problem is it could have been me and tomorrow it might be you. One in twenty? Lousy contractors? You know I could be wrong but it sounds to me like one of those system guys with an attitude.
> The fact that there's a lot of rookies and hacks out there is old news-really old. The last job I can remember where we were all long time vets was over ten years ago and anyone who's been around at all knows that. On retro jobs you're going to have problems with guys going past the deadline especially on the larger projects and especially when you first start. On a heavily QC'd job you're going to have lots of gigs especially in the beginning. You can talk all day about how it ought to be or how it used to be, but this is how it is. The man needs to wake up and smell the coffee because it's going to be a looong day.