I agree with you that it's sad what our society accepts at this point....before children were a blessing to be cherished, now many times they are considered a nuisance and are unwanted...that's why so many end up found in garbage cans, etc....if I've offended you with my statements, that was not my intent. I see both sides of the issue only because I'm not personally involved in it. And not to defend this man whom you are trying to find, but you too have made an effort to move on and make what sounds like a better life for yourself, maybe he feels that seeing his daughter would remind him of a time that he made in error and he is not strong enough emotionally to face that yet?....women are much stronger than men in that regard....men's strengths are physical...women's are emotional and pertain to the heart...whatever happens, I wish you well and only good things for your daughter also....remember that whatever happens is usually for a reason, despite the fact that the reason usually escapes us until a later time....Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
> Okay so what has been proven here to me is that you can do anything you want and not be responsible for it! I am in a wonderful relationship- and DONT WANT DAMIAN BACK! But it's pretty sad when society just sits back and says oh well- so he had a kid and doesn't care, no big deal! It's because of this attitude that so many men are walking out on thier kids and never looking back- we have made it acceptable. I for one feel for the children. Tammie
> > PeterGunn, you said it much more eloquently than I. Well done.