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Re: Does no one care about the children??

Let's do a reality check, gang. To get child support, you have to prove the child is HIS. Is he gonna submit to testing for same? I agree deadbeat dads should pay support, but basically, no matter how beautiful that little girl is, if he doesn't want to acknowledge her or have a part of her life, why push the issue? Not only will the mother continue to have emotional upheaval, her daughter will also because kids pick up on tense situations almost uncannily. If the child is happy and well-adjusted, and they are okay financially, why ruin a good thing just to prove a point? Obviously, the man knows he has a child and he's taken his stand. It's like beating a dead horse to expect otherwise....move ahead with your life and put this jerk behind you. Get over the obsession that somehow the next time this guy sees his daughter, he is just gonna fall in love with her. This is a fairy tale that won't have a happy ending. I had an ex who wanted to see his kids but still wouldn't pay support! I wasn't of a mind to pursue the $$$ aspect of it, and it all worked out fine. Sometimes the emotional trauma just isn't worth what you're gonna get out of it. As I've said before, until this woman takes off the rose-colored glasses and realizes things aren't going to change, she is destroying her daughter's chances for happiness also, because this will be an obsession for the mother forever. My only question is, why did she wait 2 years before she decided the guy should even meet the child? GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE - THERE IS SOMEONE OUT THERE FOR YOU THAT YOU HAVE NOT EVEN MET YET. Give this thing a rest....and devote your time to your daughter instead of the cabl bar.

> >Even if you are ok financially, the child support is for the child.
> You could put that $ into a mutual fund or even a bank account.
> That would give your daughter a good start in life, when she's 18.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Does no one care about the children?? by mitch5
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Re: Does no one care about the children?? Petergunn 11/18/2002 7:53:00 AM