Full homes passed audit in Ft. Worth. This audit is a challenging audit with 80% rear easement, mostly aerial but some ped. You will be required to tone out the actives when unsure which drop is which. Technical work is cleaning up drops at tap, changing all radio shack and screw on fittings( 1 out of 200), retag the drops and notate the greenbar, tighten up all fittings, terminate all ports, notate any plant descrepencies, and add a basic trap when necessary. Sub must have 1/2 million, 1 million GL & W/C. Pay is every two weeks. There are sales offers, technical cleanup (Replace peds, Replace lockbox's, replace tap face plates, etc...) and other avenues as revenue. This is a 13-18 month project. We are currently working and ramping up. Call 410-808-9266. Good luck to all
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