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My 2 Cents worth!

The times have changed and everybody's spoiled.
When I was a kid we had no Nintendo,No computers,Cd's none of that crap.
We hooked all sticks,used a brace and bit and were lucky to have a grunt.I see posts on here from guys I have seen on several job's and they are a bunch of sniveling spoiled Pussies.
Roll up your sleaves get your hands out of your pocket's put a sh** eating grin on your face and GET TO WORK.
The same thing I tell my kid's (cussing)

> LICK ME!(flipoff)
> > If you don't like what you see then stop coming on here
> >
> > > I'm so sick of coming on this site and read all your sickening bullsh**! Go apply at McDonalds if you can't handle the heat! If you're a true cable dog.... then stop wining about every little thing ! Go with the flow like the BIG DOGS do everyday. Pull your skirt up and take it like a man!
This is posting #89476. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: All you cry-babies need to spit in your bed pa by Pythoncable
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