By: Channel Surfer ( (-REDACTED-) )
PRACTICE WHAT THE A.C.I. PRESIDENT PREACHES!!!!!!!!!!!The staff is quite simply ACI's strongest asset and is unequivocally our most devastating weapon against the competition. ACI's "in-house" staff has been carefully selected with rigorous standards established by our Human Resources Department.
All recruits are trained in our technical training centers which provide class room training and simulated field training, as opposed to just on-the-job training. In order to promote longevity with the staff at ACI, we offer all employees a competitive compensation scheme including a full benefits package. This is illustrated by a staff of over 800 employees with an average tenure at ACI of 5 years.
In addition to selection and training, our staff has been working in a carefully crafted culture created by communicating our value system, known as the "ACI Way", throughout the organization. Our driving value is Customer Satisfaction, followed by Development of People, Open Communications, Empowerment and Concern for People.
ACI's human resources process, compensation packages and value system are aligned to produce a highly knowledgeable and motivated staff known as "Team ACI".
Advanced Communications, Inc
Michael A. Falsetti
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