By: Mark A. Pickrell ( (-REDACTED-) )
It's very true dude!
You need to learn to take the good with the bad!
Of coarse that doesn't mean take it in the pants!
Just make your deal (contract) before you start your sweep work!
A response from an oledog splicer/sweep tech.
original message:
original message:----------------------------------------Am I the ony sweeper that has noticed a new trend in jobs leaning towards the sweeptechs being suckered into finding all the highloss/old-bad .500 for the same price as regular sweep? Do these people think I just fell off the turnip truck on the way through town?----------------------------------------coulda sworn that a major portion of sweep is FINDING AND OR REPAIRING SAID LOSSY CABLE for the same money that you make when you sweep 5 miles of GOOD .500. Don't hear you moanin about that now do we? dont be a crier...sweep is like anything else in this buissness, when it's good it's great-when it's bad it sucks! go walk it off!
Re: SweepTechs??????
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