> Orius Corp. gave itself an enema and out came Dave Weidig. Bye Dave!

I've never seen so much wining and complaining as I have witnessed here on this list. In my 24 years of working in and around this industry I've met with and worked with the full spectrum of personalities and with different codes of ethical behavior. Over the past two and one half years while leading the way in what I would deem as a near hostile and highly political environment, there has been one general contracting company who has been consistent when delivering stellar quality craftsmanship, timeliness, and professional demeanor. That's Orius Broadband Services. No, this is not a paid advertisement! It’s their local and corporate leadership!
Whether you are a sub contractor working for a prime; a prime working for the MSO/Operator; or an employee of the operator - The fundamental rules of engagement are quite simply stated as:
Absolutely -be demanding but be fair and professional about your business.
Treat all the way you want to be treated. If you were an abused child, sorry!
Don't ever make the Cardinal Sin for your personal integrity and credibility can be shattered so fast that it could take you a life-time to rebuild.
Some final thoughts are if you have a gripe or concerns about someone have the chutzpah to bring it to their attention and resolve the issue. If that can't be done escalate it to the next level. If you can't resolve the issue then I suggest get over it or move on.
Some serious knucklehead just trashed this guy named Dave Weidig who supposedly works for Orius. What happens when tomorrow this guy shows up as some form of leadership for X company. Now X Company is a dirt bag company to deal with.
Guys and gals, lighten up a bit pleazzzze! This public forum for airing everyone's dirty laundry should be embarrassing to all of you. As an MSO operative let me tell you that knowledge is an incredible aphrodisiac and I use this forum to seek out knowledge and information every day. Every week when I sign off of "Booko Bucks" worth of invoices I sleep well at night knowing that all of my vendors provide nothing less than stellar performance. If I every caught wind that some of you folks either work for one of my Primes or sub for them I would immediately ask that you go through some corrective action so to prevent my customers from experiencing your less than desirable attitude and performance whether it be in the Optical, Coax, Maintenance, Headend, or Fulfillment. If you folks would consider redirecting all that angst and negativity in a positive direction, I'd bet that everyone would be better off.
This is just my opinion, I could be wrong! (DMiller)
Good night Austin Texas, wherever you are....

Zoots Alures