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Re: Cable Modem with

To add some info....just because your node passes 250 homes dosen't mean that node has 250 cable modem subscribers (The cable company wishes) you have 50 or 20 or 10 that you are really sharing with as the sub penetration rate increases in that node your speeds will slowly decline until they add another return path or another node....I've been down this road about a 100 times....It is all about managed bandwidth.

The reason your down load speeds are not affected is that each Qam Channel (handles downloads) is around 27 MB that is also shared bandwidth. Thers is enough bandwidth from 450mhz to 750 or 860 Mhz that you could add an infinite number of Qam carriers.


> Wayne,
> The speeds that a cable modem have are asymmetrical meaning that the upload is is much slower than the most your cable company could run fiber into your business and give you a dedicated node and your highest speed would be 1.5 mb upload ( the router in the headend comes from the factory set at that speed. It can be tweaked to 3.2 mb but that is the absolute maximum it will ever see) None of this has probably happened. It's too expensive to give you your own node and dedicated fiber. I will tell you what they most likely did. They uncapped your Q.P.S.K. upstream signal to it's maximum potential and you are now sharing that maximum upstream with everyone in your node.(about 250 People) The other peoples modems are capped at 128K so you have the ability to use more bandwidth than they do. If everyone gets on at the same time your speeds are going to slow to a crawl because you are all fighting for the same 1.5 mb of upstream bandwidth. (expandable to 3.2MB)
> Nick Thomas
> > Would like to begin by saying hello to fellow Cable guys (And Gals)... I have recently gotten a Commercial Business account with "Charter Pipeline" here in Sanford, N.C... And the speeds that I signed up for are.....
> > 1500kbps (1.5mb) Upload/Download speeds.
> > The download is know real issue, It changes from time to time, from anywhere from "1.2mb - 1.5mb" so that is great and doing like it suppose too. BUT The Upload speeds, Are a different story, (The Upload speeds is what I really need, As I am running Web, Mail, Media server's) So I need the best bandwidth that I can possibly get out of this box.
> > After doing some Registry Hacks I was able to get my
> > Upload speeds to: 714kb
> > But I need the 1.5mb's there instead of the speed that I have. I am running the test on " "
> >
> > I was told by a person at Charter that in South Carolina, that they have a unit of some sorts that they put in-line with the cable box at the commercial customers place, that gets there speeds to what they paid for, and that it hardly ever changes??
> > Does anyone here know about this, As I am unable to get back with the same person at the "Charter Pipeline Tech Support"
> > To give me a contact number or more information on it.
> > Any idea's anyone.
> >
> > Take Care
> > Wayne Barron
> > (laser)(had to add something funny)
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