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Re: WANTED: Night splicer in the Northeast

How can a NON-union company that has never had bennies since I worked for them and got screwed out of 8000+ dollars claim bennies and wages?? This is what I mean......
I worked for this boy about a year ago and was not a very experienced coax foreman. He gave me a crew consisting of my hook a very ambitious young guy and his buddy my driver. If you yelled at his buddy for being a knucklehead you risked losing a day pay. I cant ever remember coming into work and having my truck already started for me, whats up with that?? So anyways I never pulled in an amp run before so when he showed me the run and said it was going here to here blah blah blah I was really confused and he was not the person to ask a lot of questions to I pulled to where the straight splice of .500 cable was going and ran short. My mistake, inexperience. I called him with a print in my hand and he had a print and told him where I was what happened etc etc. He told me while he was looking at a print to just bring it back. No problem 2 spans no biggie. Well his knucklehead of a buddy let it get under a mailbox and kink while pulling it back. I took the heat for this one cause if I didnt it wouldve been a days pay, which it turned out to be anyways. And got docked a dollar an hour. So then we repulled it and got into an arguement on a pole so I quit he fired me whatedver it was I dont care. So tax time comes around my friend that worked for him NEVER recieved anything my family that worked for him never recieved anything. I had to call for 3 months before I got anything. On march 17 I recieved a 10-99 while he was paying me in personal checks wiith post it notes attached saying what he took out in taxes and I filled out a w-4 in the begining. He said the 10-99 was for the reel of .750 cable I wrecked he said instead of giving me my w-2 with the only 4000 that I made he gave me a 10-99 so he didnt have to back charge me because his sh**ty contract with AT&T makes him buy all his stock which he never has. Doesnt a company with a contract HAVE to have insurance?? Not to mention He had no tools doing 1500 foot 875 runs bending ALL the loops by hand..... Long story short hes a scumbag who is desprate for work and he is so low he was taking pics on a jobsite in Cambridge of my current company working trying to say we were being unsafe!!! A multi billion dollar UNION company being unsafe.......Right!! You be the judge. I am hoping the IRS getss off their asses theyve had all three of these cases now for like 8 months.

> I need a quality splice tech for night work in Massachucetts. We pay union wages and benefits. This a long term position with a well established local company. We supply everything. All you need is ambition. If you have your own truck and want to use it, we can work something out. Interested parties should call Sue at 978-681-6665 or fax resume to 978-681-7567.
This is posting #86400. Tiny Link:
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: WANTED: Night splicer in the Northeast star search 10/14/2002 8:57:00 PM