Screwed another good lineman again huh?
Well what is your excuese this time?
You know that you are bound to screw over the wrong individual and get seriously hurt....unless you already have.
Take this what ever way you want, but if I were you I would watch my back very carefully, I may even concider moving far away and changing the name of your company. No "IM" not threatening you, but with all the people you have screwed,I think that to be good advice.

> Hey Danni & Don, This is Dusty!!!!!!
> Hope you know that you have screwed about every lineman that worked for you. I just left Branson Mo. and left another screw-you co. B&B cable. But before I left I met the young man you screwed that was with Don after I quit. He,s not to happy either! You now owe at least 5 lineman that I know. My friend the robman wasnt issuing you a threat, he was Just letting you know that T.K. is about to recieve its due justice from all the lineman that you screwed.(That you are about to get the royal justice system screw) You can say what ever you want about me to me or whatever, the truth is you and Don are theive's.
> I already know I,m a screwed up individual but I know I'm the one that has to live with that, and I do the best I can to better myself. But thats my problem.
> now you don't have to send me my last check, because youre going to need all the money that you've got to pay for lawyers. Your brother Shawn is going to have to figure out how to pay the state of Mo. for the gaurdrail he ran into, since I turned over the picture's of
> T.K.-3 (yor truck he wrecked) and of the guardrail he hit to the Mo. State Police.(And a report that if we said any thing to anyone we would lose our job's, this is backed from Brian who was riding in the truck). Don's going to have to explain (and you) how come he's transporting a felon who has no travel papers across 2 state line's to work for you. (yea you know your kinfolk Doc.) that I have pictures of at Dardene lake, outside of St. Louis Mo. (Is'nt his parole in Indiana?) HMMM.
> Well anyway I just thought since you wanted to get on the RobMans case I would just air your Felony laundry!!!!!!
> Listen up all linemaen and company's! Do not hire or work for work for T.K.Communications they will screw you, and make you think you are there best friend. And ohhh! Daniel I dont have a problem putting my name on this message because I,m a man who can except my faults and work on them to improve myself to be a better man. From Brian (Dusty) Cooper!!!!!!!!!
> Oh yea to-2 other People,- Jim kinkaid- you are a no good son-of-a-bi---. I will see you again. And to B&B Cable, You write hot checks, just ask easycash in
> Branson Mo.(on hwy. 248)