>How much you looking to spend,I got a c-lasher(very good condition),a j-lasher(very good condition),a gas drill w/reverse( model ted-262r-new condition),and a gmp swivel breakaway 600#( still in plastic-never used) left for sale if interested please call me or e-mail me e-mail:
(-REDACTED-) phone numbers: home-814-696-9119 or cell phone-814-937-5567,ask for Rick, make one hell of a deal on the whole lot(the drill,both lashers,and the breakaway)and depending on your where abouts,could deliver in person."REMINDER" All these items are at a price that won`t last so take advantage of this awesome once in a blue moon chance.
> Looking for a J-Lasher for a gift. Please Email me if you know of someone retiring and selling theirs.
(-REDACTED-) Thanks