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Adelphia in Orlando

Wow, talk about yer shake-ups! In the last two months there has been a few things going on in upper and middle management that is kinda disturbing. The G.M., Jeff Walker, stepped down and they didn't even let him serve out the two weeks he gave notice for. They appointed a new Tech Ops. Manager that basically takes over the management of the maintenance and service dept. as well as installation and some office sh** like dispatch. The guy they put in that position was in-house to begin with so at least they didn't have to train someone or deal with a "new sheriff in town" atittude which seems to be the case when an outsider comes in. And most recently Steve Starr was relieved of duties as area engineer, and is no longer an Adelphia employee. (Best of luck to ya Steve!).
Don't know what any of this means, don't particularly care, just thought I'd post this so anyone having experience with Orlando can get a chuckle.
I myself was fired for writing and sending an e-mail from my HOME computer that was forwarded to an Adelphia employee that thought it was necesary to turn it in to the G.M. (Thanks Sandi, and big kudos to Ray Cappetillo who actually handed it over). I'm thinking that some of the disparity that was being felt in the office with Mr. Starr's presence lead to another "gangbang" by some of the longtimers. It's not the first time this spineless bunch of toilet oysters got together to eliminate a threat to thier well being.
You would think too that in their infinite wisdom they would have given me a couple weeks to get all the upgrade info together for them but alas this was not to be. Now when they need information on anything related to East Orange County they spend a lot of time pissing in the wind cuz they don't know where to start to look for it. Dumbasses!
Anyway, the underhanded will survive there, they know who to blow and more important, when to swallow.(bounce)
Oh and by the way, this is my OPINION, dont get yer shorts in a wad!!
This is posting #82274. Tiny Link:
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