First of all I am not the prime but we got here in Mo. and there was easment and now the rural running has started and the spans are wonderful. The pay isnt the greatest but where is it rite now? More then enough streetside and underground to just wish that the prices were better, but enough to make it worth the time to take a look at. Dont fall for the piece price as some are offering, you will do better by going for the footage price. Good luck to all who are willing to survive in the slump but remember only the tough and strong shall survive.
> yes the st lewis area is full of easement ive worked there in the past the prices make up for it if you are working for the right company. I dont know if you are familiar with the gavelston texas area but its very similar lots of ally running and easement very short spans untill you get in too the rual areas but thats almost the same with any inner city build.