
> > I finally stooped to doing installs. The family needs to eat. I drive 600 miles to reach the job and pay for a week in a motel. I meet the prime on Monday. I show up Tuesday for work and materials. There are none for me. Why? I was told that they had to scale down and couldn't use me. While driving home I am told by the guy I went to work for that they are not scaling down. He was told to tell me that. The real reason was that Steve Nemecek of Orius said my hair was too long and I had tatoos. Now, I do have hair just below my shoulders, always kept neatly tied. I do have tatoos, but I always work in long sleeves when around customers. So, after 1200 miles and a motel bill I am not staying at, I called the jerk. All of the sudden, he had spoken to me personally regarding my personal appearance and now he's telling me he would like me to work in-house doing the same job he would not let me do for his contractor! What kind of bullsh** is that? Beware the double faced, double standards of the spine-less bastard Steve Nemecek of Orius. His predjudices are not appreciated! I've done over 5000 installs during my tenure in this biz. Never have I had a complaint. Do work quality and ethics no longer matter? Outward appearance of the tech is prime on the list. To hell with drug free quality workers.
> > All that matters is how you look. f*** you very much, Steve N.
> > Don't come to Ohio. You are not welcome here.
> > BTW: Next time your parakeet mouth over eats your alligator asshole, do something that doesn't come natural.....be honest for a change that would be a new experience for you!