Re: METHOD TO CROSS convedrsations without a clue!
I know the man personnally in california thar reached out and grabbed that high voltage line! he was an intelligent man whose Dad was an electrician who also understood that if you if you grab a hot line and your not grounded, no problem! there were twoi buckets ,side-by-side, raising the cable for ahouse being moved down the street at 2 in the morning. All utilities were there doing the same. The fella ,s partner in the bucket mentioned they were pretty close to those power lines. the fella,s words just before he reached out and grabbed that line was weell as long as you only grab one...zap, blown out of the bucket! The theory was correct but not realizing you had a grounded steel strand laying across your bucket! Well we mknow what happened! The prime,another individual Iknow well is paying for that mistake! the man's family is paying the loss of a functioning Dad and hopefully the rest of us learned a lesson. I was saddened because i KNEW THE MAN WELL. 30 YEARS OLD AND TWO SMALL CHILDREN! If you were two ask him today he would tell you just how stupid he was that day! He is not a stupid man. He is an intelligent man that did a stupid thing! Nobody climbs a pole and puts his or her head 4 feet away from a power line and goes around bragging how smart they are. We just do it and get paid well. At least we used. How careful aaaaaand attentive you are determines how LUCKY YOU WERE TODAY! today! My sympathy to all families of such situations! sh** happens! No person makes another do anything unless maybe at gunpoint! We do have choices and avenues to persue if some jack-off foreman tries to jeopradize you life for his glory! I don't know what else to say here except I hope the young dog's readings these post's will be more careful than others were not!
> Again you prove yourself to be a schmuck...OSHA can not regulate the idiotic things you say. I have read everything you have had to say to this family. I have taken all of you comments, including your "condolences," into context.
> A court will decide if the Olson family's lawsuit has merit, not a schmuck that condones unsafe practices by his very words. Have you not ever heard fo grief? Who really cares if your ego has been hurt by a grieving family? I challenge you not to be very upset if your son or daughter were killed because of STUPIDITY.
> Your lack of control here in an open dicussion forum proves that my intial response to your stupidity was an accurate portrail. Perhaps you are just the person that should leave the "good ole days" behind. We don't make $.80 a foot splicing any more, and OSHA does play an important role in this.
> I know of a company out of California that had an aerial lineman lose both arms, spent three weeks in a COMA, and obviously couldn't work. He was electrocuted while riding in a bucket extended and no one was watching the direction he was traveling. Perhaps you would be the one who would have said, "Oh well. He should have known not to be doing that."
> His company is actually paying for the man's salary while he is layed up. Would you if he worked for you?
This is posting #79467. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: METHOD TO CROSS convedrsations without a clue! by gr8splicer
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